Hey there! Welcome to my very first blog post----which is crazy because it's 2022 and I'm way behind the game. You've stumbled on my page because you're interested to learn about the best time to book your newborn photography session. Maybe you're expecting now, trying to conceive, or your baby is already here ---- either way, Congratulations! Let's get right to it.

Typically, the best time to book your newborn photography session is early in your second trimester. Now, breathe... it's ok if you're in your third trimester or if your baby is already here & you haven't booked yet. If you're interested in booking with me, click here to contact me ASAP. Occasionally, I can squeeze in sessions depending on my schedule.

The actual session (obviously) wont' take place until baby arrives, but booking/scheduling for newborn sessions is a bit tricky for these reasons:

  • Babies come into the world on their own schedule, thus making scheduling a little unpredictable since we can't pinpoint an actual session date.
  • I only book a specific number of newborn sessions each month, based on due dates. This allows me to have flexibility since due date are just approximate and babies can arrive at unpredictable times.

Are you thinking about booking & what that process looks like? Have questions? Click here to contact me or the links below will give you more information!

-How do I book?

-What's the best age for a newborn session?

-Newborn Session Guide - What to Bring, What to Wear, What to Expect, etc.

-What if my baby doesn't sleep during my session?

Anna Carreno Photography - Spring, TX - Newborn & Family Photographer
